Friday, May 25, 2007

Chilling in her B-girl stance...

I absolutely LOVE her vintage Houston shirt. It has images of downtown Houston, as well as notable Houston landmarks such as the Astrodome (and even though it is not exactly in Houston...) the San Jacinto Monument. I want one.

An unexpected button! Bob Marley!

Name: Taylor Clements, 20, Supermodel Sophomore

Describe Your Style: "When a gorilla chases you out the house, you gotta do what you gotta do."

Favorite Designer(s): "I would definitely say Betsey Johnson. I'm also a big fan of Jimmy Choo. Big fan. Love him!"

Where do you shop?: "I make my own $#!@."

Tell me about your shoes: "They're my old cheerleading shoes. I painted them with fabric paint 4 years ago. I just decided to put the laces in last night."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool shoes!

I've been reading CS for at least a year... I love what you guys are doing. Glad you're still at it!